Free trip to Rome, pt 1

Acts 27:1-26 GNTD
(checking story length...)
PRO 16:9



PRO 19:21



ACT 23:11





An ApplicationIt was a free trip, but no luxury cruise. Paul probably had a reputation on the boat. "The guy going to the emperor's court with no charges." What a sarcasticly dangerous criminal. Hence ACT 27:3. Definitely no dinner cruise, Paul surely had no stateroom. But he was going where God wanted him to go, and he surely took great comfort in that. Many missionaries over the centuries have been able to relate. We too, should be ok when things aren't ideal but we know we're obeying God's call.

Connect the DotsFor those of us not familiar with the wind patterns of the Mediterranean, here's a fun map.

  ⌖ Map: Paul's Voyage to Rome, Sidon, Myra, Island of Crete, Island of Cauda, Lybia

AC 27:1-26
Free trip to Rome, pt 1
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